Transit Spoken Here . . .
25+ years Transit Industry Business Development experience. Worldwide project collaboration with Agency, Carbuilders and Consulting Engineers.
Considerable experience working with USA and International end user Transit Agencies, tier-one car builder, platform integrators and ancillary equipment manufacturers, delivering a solid range of rolling stock onboard and maintenance center technology solutions, including -
Active Involvement with various Transportation Industry lobbying groups, Including CUTA, UITP, the recently formed Commuter Rail Coalition (CRC) and the legacy organization, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) regularly participating in showcase, political, committee and governance leadership activities.
Expert assistance introducing, marketing and promoting your product line, service or specialty. Want to target a specific City/County/State or Agency? Surgical market penetration, where and when you want and need to go...
Schedule your initial strategy discussion/consultation today! Transit Spoken Here . . .
An obvious choice for the "smaller" transit equipment and service providers with limited staff and resources.
Keep up with the influx of RFPs and RFQs, current and even future bidding opportunities now available from City, State and Federal government programs nationwide, post-COVID.
No matter how diligent your pursuit of or commitment to tracking those projects, it's easy to lose sight of or altogether miss those important opportunities presenting themselves during these historic funding times.
Skilled in and honed to the Transit Industry . . .
Find out how comprehensive and effective your business development pursuits can be... Transit Spoken Here . . .